Home Travel & Adventure Slovakia Deploys Troops to Hungarian Border in Effort to Control Irregular Migration

Slovakia Deploys Troops to Hungarian Border in Effort to Control Irregular Migration


As part of an effort to halt the irregular migration, authorities in Slovakia will deploy hundreds of police officers and troops along the common border with Hungary, the newly formed government in Slovakia has confirmed.

Slovakia’s new Prime Minister, Robert Fico, said that the irregular migration must be controlled, warning that people connected to terrorist groups could otherwise enter this country.

According to the government, over 40,000 undocumented migrants have been detected within its borders this year, with the country being considered as a transit point by migrants attempting to reach other European countries.

We want to send a clear signal that with the new government, a new approach to illegal migration has come.

Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok

Authorities in Slovakia are dealing with an influx in the number of migrants, thus attempting to find new ways to enhance their management of the migration situation.

The figures from the portal radiozet.pl, revealed that about 2,000 people have been detained there since the beginning of this year. The majority of them are coming from Syria.

In order to better protect the borders, authorities in Slovakia initiated controls at the common border with Hungary; however, after finding no irregular migrants in this area, Slovakia abolished such a decision just a day after announcing it.

This demonstration of strength, which is being shown on the entire green border, is intended to make it clear to everyone, especially smugglers and organisers of illegal migration, that Slovakia is ready and will protect its own territory from illegal migration. 

Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico

Poland’s Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration, Mariusz Kamiński, announced that Poland would extend border controls with Slovakia for another 20 days, until November 2.

Furthermore, he stressed that the number of detected irregular migrants in Slovakia has surged by almost a thousand per cent.

European states are seeing many irregular migrants attempting to reach their countries, thus leading several Schengen States to tighten their border controls.

The figures from the EU Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) previously revealed that a total of 279,350 people attempted to cross the EU’s external borders in an irregular way in the

first nine months of this year, thus accounting for a 17 per cent increase compared to last year’s same period statistics.

Frontex’s statistics revealed that the Central Mediterranean area contributed to half of the detections at the European Union’s external borders this year.

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Monte OZ
Monte OZ is a highly accomplished and respected international freelance journalist, travel and active adventure reporter, and leading entertainment & lifestyle blogger based in Africa. With a passion for storytelling, a sense of adventure, and an eye for all things captivating, Monte has become a prominent figure in the world of travel, entertainment, and lifestyle journalism. Born and raised in Africa, Monte developed a deep appreciation for the continent's diverse cultures, rich heritage, and vibrant entertainment scene. His upbringing fueled his desire to share Africa's untold stories and showcase its dynamic lifestyle to a global audience. Monte's extensive experience and expertise have made him a sought-after authority on all things related to travel, adventure, entertainment, and lifestyle in Africa. As an international freelance journalist, Monte has made significant contributions to various prestigious publications worldwide. His captivating articles, insightful interviews, and engaging features have graced the pages of leading entertainment magazines, lifestyle publications, and reputable news outlets. Monte's unique ability to capture the essence of Africa's entertainment and lifestyle scene has garnered widespread acclaim and recognition. With a love for exploration and a thirst for adrenaline, Monte also thrives as an active adventure reporter. He has embarked on daring expeditions, immersing himself in Africa's wild landscapes, and documenting his adrenaline-pumping experiences. Whether it's conquering treacherous peaks, exploring remote jungles, or engaging in heart-pounding activities, Monte's adventurous spirit and daring escapades inspire readers to embrace their own sense of adventure. In addition to his work in journalism and adventure reporting, Monte is a leading entertainment & lifestyle blogger in Africa. Through his influential blog, he offers readers an insider's view of the continent's vibrant entertainment scene, trendy hotspots, fashion trends, culinary delights, and cultural experiences. Monte's unique blend of storytelling, personal insights, and expert recommendations has made his blog a go-to resource for entertainment and lifestyle enthusiasts seeking the pulse of Africa's dynamic culture. Beyond his professional pursuits, Monte is a passionate advocate for promoting Africa's talent, creativity, and cultural diversity. He actively supports and champions emerging artists, musicians, designers, and entrepreneurs, helping to showcase their work to a broader audience. Monte's dedication to promoting Africa's vibrant entertainment and lifestyle industry has positioned him as a respected influencer and tastemaker within the African and global entertainment communities. With a commitment to excellence, a passion for exploration, and a talent for captivating storytelling, Monte Oz continues to captivate audiences worldwide. As an international freelance journalist, travel and active adventure reporter, and leading entertainment & lifestyle blogger, his work has left an indelible mark on the world of journalism, travel, and entertainment, solidifying his position as a trusted authority and go-to resource for all things related to African travel, adventure, and lifestyle.