Home Travel & Adventure Belgium Introduces Language Test Requirement for Foreign Healthcare Workers

Belgium Introduces Language Test Requirement for Foreign Healthcare Workers


Foreign healthcare workers looking to work in Belgium must now prove that they are proficient (i.e., have a B2 certificate) in at least one of the country’s official languages: French, Dutch, or German.

The new policy also applies to doctors, who must possess even higher speaking skills in one of the three national languages, Schengen News reports.

Belgian authorities announced such a measure in January 2024, aiming to ensure better health services, among other things. As cited by the Brussels Times back then, the outgoing Minister of Health, Frank Vandenbroucke, said that the language requirement is important to provide “safer and better quality care” for patients.

In the future, healthcare providers will work in teams even more often than today, and the importance of communicating with other healthcare providers will only increase.

Frank Vandenbroucke, Belgium’s Minister of Health

Health Representatives Worry Foreign Healthcare Workers May Choose Places Other Than Belgium

However, the policy, which is now effective, was not well-received by the healthcare representatives amid fears that foreign healthcare workers will choose other destinations rather than Belgium.

The director of human resources at Cliniques de l’Europe, Arnaud Kamp, as cited by RTBF, considers this requirement a barrier, among other things.

Many countries have already implemented shortened procedures at the administrative level to allow the diploma equivalences of healthcare personnel in shortage to go faster. For our part, it takes time and having to add this constraint, we see it as a real obstacle or as a potential fear of candidates in relation to Belgium.

Arnaud Kamp, Director of HR at Cliniques de l’Europe

On the other hand, Minister Vandenbroucke considers Belgium to have standard requirements, as the RTBF further reported.

Mastery of one of the official languages ​​is still necessary to be able to communicate with a patient, but also to be able to collaborate well in a team.

Frank Vandenbroucke, Belgium’s Minister of Health

Belgium Needs Around 25,000 Nurses to Fill Shortages

Although the number of foreign healthcare workers in Belgium has surged over the past two years, it is estimated that the country is facing a shortage of 25,000 nurses.

In addition, the 2023 EURES report on shortages and surpluses identified 186 shortage occupations in Belgium, with some of them related to healthcare.

According to the report, some healthcare jobs facing a shortage of workers were nursing professionals, specialist and generalist medical practitioners, physiotherapists, pharmacists, healthcare assistants, and home-based personal care workers.

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Monte OZ
Monte OZ is a highly accomplished and respected international freelance journalist, travel and active adventure reporter, and leading entertainment & lifestyle blogger based in Africa. With a passion for storytelling, a sense of adventure, and an eye for all things captivating, Monte has become a prominent figure in the world of travel, entertainment, and lifestyle journalism. Born and raised in Africa, Monte developed a deep appreciation for the continent's diverse cultures, rich heritage, and vibrant entertainment scene. His upbringing fueled his desire to share Africa's untold stories and showcase its dynamic lifestyle to a global audience. Monte's extensive experience and expertise have made him a sought-after authority on all things related to travel, adventure, entertainment, and lifestyle in Africa. As an international freelance journalist, Monte has made significant contributions to various prestigious publications worldwide. His captivating articles, insightful interviews, and engaging features have graced the pages of leading entertainment magazines, lifestyle publications, and reputable news outlets. Monte's unique ability to capture the essence of Africa's entertainment and lifestyle scene has garnered widespread acclaim and recognition. With a love for exploration and a thirst for adrenaline, Monte also thrives as an active adventure reporter. He has embarked on daring expeditions, immersing himself in Africa's wild landscapes, and documenting his adrenaline-pumping experiences. Whether it's conquering treacherous peaks, exploring remote jungles, or engaging in heart-pounding activities, Monte's adventurous spirit and daring escapades inspire readers to embrace their own sense of adventure. In addition to his work in journalism and adventure reporting, Monte is a leading entertainment & lifestyle blogger in Africa. Through his influential blog, he offers readers an insider's view of the continent's vibrant entertainment scene, trendy hotspots, fashion trends, culinary delights, and cultural experiences. Monte's unique blend of storytelling, personal insights, and expert recommendations has made his blog a go-to resource for entertainment and lifestyle enthusiasts seeking the pulse of Africa's dynamic culture. Beyond his professional pursuits, Monte is a passionate advocate for promoting Africa's talent, creativity, and cultural diversity. He actively supports and champions emerging artists, musicians, designers, and entrepreneurs, helping to showcase their work to a broader audience. Monte's dedication to promoting Africa's vibrant entertainment and lifestyle industry has positioned him as a respected influencer and tastemaker within the African and global entertainment communities. With a commitment to excellence, a passion for exploration, and a talent for captivating storytelling, Monte Oz continues to captivate audiences worldwide. As an international freelance journalist, travel and active adventure reporter, and leading entertainment & lifestyle blogger, his work has left an indelible mark on the world of journalism, travel, and entertainment, solidifying his position as a trusted authority and go-to resource for all things related to African travel, adventure, and lifestyle.