American rapper and singer, Doja Cat has been denied a permanent restraining order against her older brother Raman Dlamini.
The Grammy-winning artist, 28, had past filed court documents requesting the permanent restraining order amid previous aligning allegations raised by their mother Deborah Elizabeth Sawyer, The Blast reported Thursday.
Sawyer said Raman, 30, has been physically and verbally abusive with the pop star, knocking out her teeth at one point in a January 12 court filing in Los Angeles Superior Court.
Sawyer said that Raman had been abusive to her as well, as she felt ‘unsafe’ around him, the outlet reported after reviewing court papers.
Sawyer was initially granted a restraining order amid the allegations, according to the outlet, and it had been extended for five years.
The restraining order for the Say So artist was declined by the court, after she accused him of stealing from her, destroying her possessions and being physically abusive to her, leaving cuts and bruises in the aftermath.
Sawyer in court docs last month backed up the claims made by the Paint the Town Red vocalist that Raman’s conduct had left her ‘unsafe and traumatized.’
Sawyer said that ‘Raman has destroyed and stolen property,’ and had ‘verbally assaulted’ Doja Cat, whose real name is Amala Ratna Zandile Dlamini, ‘in a very degrading and demeaning’ fashion.
‘I need these orders to protect the physical and emotional well-being of all parties listed,’ Sawyer told the court. ‘I am not only worried and fearful of physically violent episodes, but the tremendous mental and emotional damage that is being done.’
Sawyer said her son’s conduct had left her in a state of ‘constant anxiety and fear.’
Sawyer said that Raman had also verbally abused her 13-year-old grandson with a barrage of ‘insults, shaming and demeaning slurs.’
Raman last month told a photographer in Los Angeles that he didn’t know who Doja Cat was, and that there had been ‘no restraining order’ implemented against him.
Raman said there was ‘no story,’ and that he hadn’t ‘seen anybody in years.’